The Alternative-medicine-at-home blog lets you know whenever any web pages appear on the site telling you about a new medicine or therapy that can be used to treat everyday illnesses and helping you to stay healthy by little changes in the lifestyle.
This article tells you 15 Natural remedies for headaches, which you can take to get rid of headaches naturally and fast.
Here you can find home remedies for common ailments and diseases used since ancient times . They are well researched due to their properties.
Constipation is a common issue that can be relieved with simple lifestyle changes. Try out these eleven constipation home remedies to promote healthy digestion and bowel movements!
Health benefits of Liquorice ranges from proving relief in stomach disorders to helping in cough and many more. Here are 11 healing properties of Liquorice.
Some very powerful list of herbs-spices to keep at home. These herbs-spices have many medicinal and healing properties.
Sesame seeds health benefits range from hormones to high blood pressure. Sesame seeds contains antioxidants and are high in calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium.
Here are some of the important massage tips and pressure points to be used when doing massage. Touch is a comforting means of relaxing and a necessary part of being alive.
Alternative medicine website is written by an expert in home remedies and treatments, it provide information on complimentary medicine,herbal treatments, health conditions and diets.
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