Massage Tips and Pressure Points

Before doing massage, it's important to remember some massage tips. Touch is not only a comforting and pleasurable means of relaxing, it is also a necessary part of being alive.

Research with children shows that denying touch is very detrimental for the basic health of the child.

Before doing massage, it's important to remember some massage tips. Touch is not only a comforting and pleasurable means of relaxing, it is also a necessary part of being alive.

Some massage therapies work on muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. They work firmly to move tissue over tissue, so getting rid from the body the toxic build-up that can cause physical problems such as arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica. Others work in a gentler way reaching the body's energy systems to release long rooted problems. when giving massage, try to use some of the massage tips mentioned on this page.

Important massage tips and techniques

To enable you to treat specific ailment or problems you should undertake a professional training course in whichever therapy you choose to study. However, to give a therapy that will very effectively release everyday problems that have no medical cause, you don't need any professional training. Working gently, with care, while wishing well being to yourself or the person you are working.

Here is few basic massage tips to get you started.

  • Stroking- Use flat hands, fingers, thumbs, even your forearms, in a smooth flowing action, running lightly over the body in straight lines, circles, or long sweeps.
  • Rotations- Using firm pressure, work your fingers, thumbs, or elbows in small circles over one spot.
  • Kneading- Good for large muscles over the shoulders and back. Use your fist or the heel of your hand against the pressure of your palm, thumbs working against fingers, or fingers against thumbs, in a pinching action that works against large areas.
  • Pinching- Similar to kneading but you pick up small areas of flesh between your fingers and thumbs. Again, be firm without causing any actual pain.
  • Wriggling- Taking the muscle between both hands, twist your hands in opposite directions.
  • Pressure- Use your fingers, thumbs, fists, elbows, feet, knees, or any part of your body that can exert a still, steady pressure on the relevant area.
  • Hacking- You can use the sides of your hands or the back of your hands.
  • Knuckling- Use the knuckles of your fingers.

Acupressure or pressure points

Some of the best massage tips and pressure points to remember when giving a full body massage.

Acupressure points or pressure points are not magic buttons that can turn health problems off like a light switch.

But used regularly and with care, they can re-balance the health of your body and mind so that the problems become less frequent in occurrence and intensity.

Some of the best massage tips and pressure points to remember when giving a full body massage.

Acupressure points or pressure points are not magic buttons that can turn health problems off like a light switch.

But used regularly and with care, they can re-balance the health of your body and mind so that the problems become less frequent in occurrence and intensity.

The danger with "push-button" cures is that you will over strain your system by returning too quickly to your old ways, and the problem that prompted you to seek treatment will return.

Pain and sickness are often lifestyle problems. The techniques of massage and acupressure points here can help only as an addition to good posture, healthy eating, good sleep, relaxed mind, and positive mental habits and practices.

Pressure points for the top of head and back of body


• GV20 - Poor memory and concentration, headaches, mild depression. Clears the brain and calms the mind.

 • GV16 - Colds, headaches, sore throats, nosebleeds.

• GB20 - Stiff neck, tension headaches, insomnia, hypertension. Use with GV16 to help relieve the symptoms of colds.

• B10 - Stress, tension, anxiety, insomnia. Opens the awareness, calms the mind, relaxes the body, relieves colds and flu.

• GB21- Tension and tiredness in the shoulders and neck, frozen shoulder. Relaxes the mind, reduces nervous stress, anger, irritability. Very energizing.

• B13 - Breathing difficulties, detoxifying.

• B23, B47 - Relieve lower backache, rebalance energy in the kidneys and digestive system.

• TH4 - Soothes wrist pain.

• LI4 -  Headaches, mild depression, general pain. Anaesthetic and detoxifying.

• K3 - Water retention, swollen feet, sleeping difficulties. Protects the immune system. Very useful and safe in pregnancy, eases labour.

• B60 -  Lower back pain, joint and rheumatic pain in the lower body.

pressure points for THE FRONT OF THE BODY

• GV25 - Depression, weak immune system. Clears the mind, calms fears, relaxes the body.

• B2, GV24.5 - Eye and sinus problems, headaches, and other facial pain.

• 67 - Nosebleeds, tired and aching eyes.

• L120 - Head colds, nasal congestion.

• ST2 - Good for the complexion, relieves eye strain.

• ST3 -  Sinuses, tired, dry eyes.

• GV26 - Dizziness, fainting, cramp.

• K27 - Sore throat, coughing, hiccups, anxiety. Rebalances the kidneys.

• L1- Asthma, breathing difficulties, Stabilizes the emotions, eases confusion, clears the mind.

• CV17 - Mild depression, grief.

• CV12 - Emotional problems, stress, digestive problems.

• CV6 - Trapped wind, constipation, lower back problems. Revitalizes the body's energy flow. 

• L9 - Relieves asthma, bronchitis. Reduces fear, anger, anxiety.

• L10 -  Lung congestion, emotional upset, wrist pain.

• ST36 - Sickness, nausea. Balances the digestive system, stimulates the immune system, boosts energy.

• ST41 - Fear, nervous tension. Ankle and heel pain.

• ST43, ST44 -  Excess wind, sickness and nausea, facial pain, nosebleeds, latching , teeth and gums.

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